American Museum of Natural History
Today 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Select the start time and end time
for your booking here.
About This Facility

Secure and affordable indoor garage in the Upper West Side neighborhood. Just a few minutes to the Beacon Theatre, American Museum of Natural History, and New York Historical Society.

Max Vehicle Height: 9'0"

This facility is unable to accept any supersize vehicles due to elevator load capacity this includes Pickup trucks, Tahoe’s, Suburban’s, or Escalades. Sedans and crossovers only.

If parking overnight, you must drop off and pick up your vehicle within the following hours: Mon-Sun 6am to 12am.

Hours of Operation:
Sun 6:00 am - Mon 12:00 am
Mon 6:00 am - Tue 12:00 am
Tue 6:00 am - Wed 12:00 am
Wed 6:00 am - Thu 12:00 am
Thu 6:00 am - Fri 12:00 am
Fri 6:00 am - Sat 12:00 am
Sat 6:00 am - Sun 12:00 am
RATED: 3.0 out of 5

How to Park